Document, issued by a
reference material producer, containing the essential information for the use of a certified reference material and confirming that the necessary procedures have been carried out to ensure the validity and traceability of the stated property values.
Notes: - A reference material certificate is usually valid for a stated period of time ("period of validity" or as described by its "expiry date"), which defines the shelf life of the certified reference material.
- Documents containing the information described above may not, for legal or other (non-technical) reasons, be termed "certificate" (compare Note 1 to certified reference material).
- ISO Guide 31 is the guidance document to the required and recommended content of a reference material certificate.
- In this definition, "traceability" covers both metrological traceability of a measurement result and examination traceability, but not object traceability.
PAC, 2021, 93, 997. 'Metrological and quality concepts in analytical chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2021)' on page 1038 (