Three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the assignment of protein structure with one nitrogen, and two hydrogen dimensions.
Notes: - Magnetization is transferred from the side-chain hydrogen nuclei to their attached \(\ce{^{13}C}\) nuclei. Then isotropic \(\ce{^{13}C}\) mixing is used to transfer magnetization between the carbon nuclei. From here, magnetization is transferred to the carbonyl carbon, on to the amide nitrogen and finally the amide hydrogen for detection.
- Requires \(\ce{^{15}N}\) and \(\ce{^{13}C}\) labelling.
- Useful spectrum for obtaining hydrogen side-chain assignments.
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. 'Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)' on page 689 (