Three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the assignment of protein structure with one nitrogen and two hydrogen dimensions.
Notes: - Magnetization is transferred from \(\ce{^{1}H\upalpha}\) and \(\ce{^{1}H\upbeta}\) to \(\ce{^{13}C\upalpha}\) and \(\ce{^{13}C\upbeta}\), respectively, and then from \(\ce{^{13}C\upbeta}\) to \(\ce{^{13}C\upalpha}\). From here it is transferred first to \(\ce{^{13}CO}\), then to \(\ce{^{15}NH}\) and then to \(\ce{^{1}HN}\) for detection.
- Requires \(\ce{^{15}N}\) and \(\ce{^{13}C}\) labelling.
- Useful spectrum for obtaining \(\ce{H\upalpha}\) and \(\ce{H\upbeta}\) assignments.
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. 'Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)' on page 689 (