spin echo

synonym: Hahn echo
initialism: SE
Refocusing of spin magnetization usually by two consecutive radiofrequency pulses.
  1. The simplest form of the spin-echo pulse sequence consists of \(\pu{90\!^{\circ}}\ \rm{pulse}\), a \(\pu{180\!^{\circ}}\ \rm{pulse}\), and then an echo. The time between the middle of the first RF pulse and the peak of the spin echo is called the echo time (\(T_{\rm{E}}\)).
  2. SE is typically used within a pulse sequence to refocus chemical shift by pulses \(\pu{90\!^{\circ}}\), \(T_{\rm{E}}/2\), \(\pu{180\!^{\circ}}\), \(T_{\rm{E}}/2\).
See also: flip angle
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. 'Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)' on page 705 (https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2019-0203)