Degree to which linearly polarized incident
electromagnetic radiation becomes elliptically polarized in an absorbing optically active medium.
\[\tan\;\psi = (E_{\rm{R}} - E_{\rm{L}})/(E_{\rm{R}} + E_{\rm{L}}) = \tanh (k^{\rm{L}} - k^{\rm{R}})\pi l/\lambda\] where
\(E_{\rm{R}}\) and
\(E_{\rm{L}}\) are the electric vectors of right and left circularly polarized radiation,
\(k^{\rm{L}}\) and
\(k^{\rm{R}}\) are the
absorption indices of the sample for left and right circularly polarized radiation,
\(\lambda\) is the
wavelength of the radiation and
\(l\) is the
path-length through the medium.
SI unit: rad = 1.
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. 'Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)' on page 745 (