vibrational spectroscopy
Measurement principle of spectroscopy to analyse molecular properties based on vibrations (bond stretching or deformation modes) in chemical species.
Typically, vibrational spectroscopy uses electromagnetic radiation lower in energy than the visible spectrum i.e., infrared or near infrared (see table).
Table 1 Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
Spectral regionApproximate wavelength (wavenumber) rangeEnergy transitions studied in matterAnalytical techniques (spectroscopy)
Gamma1-100 pmNuclear transitions and disintegrationsGamma-ray
X-ray6 pm–100 nmIonization by inner electron removalX-ray; X-ray fluorescence
Vacuum ultraviolet10–200 nmIonization by outer electron removal
Ultraviolet200–400 nmExcitation of valence electronsUV-VIS
Visible400–780 nmExcitation of valence electronsUV-VIS
Near-infrared780 nm–2.5 μm (12 800–4000 cm-1)Excitation of valence electrons; molecular vibrational overtonesNear-IR
Mid-Infrared2.5–25 μm (4000–400 cm-1)Molecular vibrations: stretching and deformationsInfrared (IR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy
Far-infrared25–1000 μm (400–10 cm-1)Molecular rotationsFar-IR, Terahertz spectroscopy
Microwave0.1–30 cmMolecular rotations and electron spinElectron spin resonance, microwave spectroscopy
Radiofrequency10−1–103 mMolecular rotations and nuclear spinNuclear magnetic resonance
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. 'Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)' on page 769 (