Terms sourced from: 10.1351/pac199264020253
"Nomenclature, symbols, units and their usage in spectrochemical analysis - XII. Terms related to electrothermal atomization (IUPAC Recommendations 1992)", Ure, T.A.M.;Butler, L.R.P.;L'vov, B.V.;Rubeska, I.;Sturgeon, R., Pure and Applied Chemistry 1992, 64(2), 253
appearance temperature \(T_{\text{app}}\)atomization surface temperature \(T_{\text{s}}\)characteristic mass for integrated absorbance \(m_{0}\)characteristic mass for peak absorption \(m_{\text{p}}\)characteristic mass \(m_{\text{c}}\)charring confined atomizer electrothermal atomizer vaporization temperature \(T_{\text{vap}}\)