
Synonym: phase relaxation
Loss of coherence between the upper and lower states of a transition.
  1. The term 'dephasing' arises from the density matrix formalism that is used in a phenomenological approach to simplify the description of the relaxation dynamics of a molecule coupled to its surroundings.
  2. Dephasing leads to either homogeneous broadening or inhomogeneous broadening depending on the system. The continually changing intermolecular interactions cause a shift of the frequency of the intramolecular vibration. If these interactions change much more slowly than the amplitude of this shift, heterogeneous broadening results and causes a Gaussian band. If these interactions change much faster than the amplitude of this shift, homogeneous broadening occurs and the observed spectral band is a notionally narrowed Lorentzian band. In the general case, the broadening due to dephasing is neither homogeneous nor heterogeneous and the line shape is neither Gaussian nor Lorentzian.
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. (Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)) on page 654 [Terms] [Paper]