photon exitance, Mp 

Also contains definition of: specific photon emission
Synonym: photon emittance
Photon flux, number basis, qp, emitted by an element of the surface containing the source point under consideration divided by the area S of that element. SI unit is s1 m2.
  1. Mathematical definition: dqp/dS. If qp is constant over the surface area considered, Mp=qp/S.
  2. Formerly called photon emittance.
  3. This quantity can be expressed on a chemical amount basis by dividing Mp by the Avogadro constant. In this case the symbol is Mn,p, the name 'photon exitance, amount basis', SI unit is mols1m2; common unit is einstein s1 m2.
PAC, 2007, 79, 293. (Glossary of terms used in photochemistry, 3rd edition (IUPAC Recommendations 2006)) on page 394 [Terms] [Paper]