A reversible transition of a solid crystalline phase at a certain temperature and pressure (the inversion point) to another phase of the same chemical composition with a different crystal structure. Examples:
  1. The transitions of SiO2 (quartz-type) at 1143 K to SiO2 (tridymite-type), and at 1743 K to SiO2 (cristobalite-type).
  2. The transition of β-AgI (wurtzite-type structure) to α-AgI (body-centred-cubic structure) at 418 K. Synonymous with enantiotropic transition.
In a liquid-crystal transition, this term refers to phase changes in the smectic state or columnar discotic state.
PAC, 1994, 66, 577. (Definitions of terms relating to phase transitions of the solid state (IUPAC Recommendations 1994)) on page 588 [Terms] [Paper]