heteronuclear multiple bond correlation NMR 

Initialism: HMBC
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy that gives correlations between carbons and protons that are separated by two, three, and, sometimes in conjugated systems, four bonds.
  1. Direct one-bond correlations are suppressed.
  2. HMBC gives connectivity information much like a proton-proton COSY.
  3. The intensity of cross peaks depends on the spin-spin coupling constant, which for three-bond couplings follows the Karplus relationship. For dihedral angles near 90 , the coupling is near zero. Thus, the absence of a cross peak does not confirm that carbon-proton pairs are many bonds apart.
  4. Because of the wide range (0 to 14 Hz) of possible carbon-proton couplings, two experiments are often performed. One optimized for 5 Hz couplings and the second optimized for 10 Hz. This gives the optimum signal-to-noise ratio. Alternatively, a comprise value of 7 to 8 Hz can be used. There are also "accordion" versions that attempt to sample the full range of couplings.
PAC, 2021, 93, 647. (Glossary of methods and terms used in analytical spectroscopy (IUPAC Recommendations 2019)) on page 690 [Terms] [Paper]