A polymer composed of molecules uniform with respect to relative molecular mass and constitution.
- A polymer comprising a mixture of linear and branched chains, all of uniform relative molecular mass, is not uniform.
- A copolymer comprising linear molecules of uniform relative molecular mass and uniform elemental composition but different sequential arrangements of the various types of monomeric units, is not uniform (e.g. a copolymer comprising molecules with a random arrangement as well as a block arrangement of monomeric units).
- A polymer uniform with respect only to either relative molecular mass or constitution may be termed 'uniform', provided a suitable qualifier is used (e.g. 'a polymer uniform with respect to relative molecular mass').
- The adjectives 'monodisperse' and 'polydisperse' are deeply rooted in the literature, despite the former being non-descriptive and self-contradictory. They are in common usage and it is recognized that they will continue to be used for some time; nevertheless, more satisfactory terms are clearly desirable. After an extensive search for possible replacements, the terms 'uniform' and 'non-uniform' have been selected and they are now the preferred adjectives.