Zimm plot 

A diagrammatic representation of data on scattering from large particles, corresponding to the equation: KcΔR(θ)=1M¯w P(θ)+2 A2 c+ ...  and used for the simultaneous evaluation of the mass average molar mass, M¯w, the second virial coefficient of the chemical potential, A2, and (usually) the z-average radius of gyration, <s2>z12; c is the mass concentration of the solute, ΔR(θ) the excess Rayleigh ratio, and P(θ) the particle scattering function that comprises (usually) the z-average radius of gyration. K depends on the solute, the temperature and the type of radiation employed. Several modifications of the Zimm plot are in frequent use; the most common one uses the excess scattering instead of the excess Rayleigh ratio.
Purple Book, 1st ed., p. 66 [Terms] [Book]